You're ready to return to your truest self -

The you underneath the burnout, anxiety, depression and trauma.

The you who is finally able to unlock your potential.

Odyssey is a method of Ketamine-assisted Therapy that is proven to ease depression and anxiety symptoms in just one session - and for an extended period afterward.

It's not a magic pill or a silver bullet - 

rather a catalyst for perspective shifts that can lead to lasting change.

To help these shifts stick, we need to build a foundation of understanding and lifestyle practices.

That's what this Odyssey Online portal will help you do!

Lift the fog that clouds your perspective.

How would it feel to step into a lighter state of being - and make it your everyday? Our unhelpful thoughts and behaviours are just patterns that have become entrenched after decades of practice. Our minds can make new, more helpful, more life giving patterns - away from depression.

Free your mind from excessive, intrusive worries.

How would it feel to melt the freeze state that keeps you stuck and slows our progress? Anxiety is a heightened awareness of perceived danger - something developed by the subconscious to protect the self, but becomes unhelpful. Our minds can learn to be better equipped to handle moments of anxiety.

Prepare for your Odyssey.

The courses on this platform were designed to help you build a foundation of knowledge and lifestyle practices for sustained, lasting mental health relief and performance enhancement.

  • The 'Odyssey Online' course is a comprehensive resource on everything Odyssey: how ketamine functions for mental health, how to set intentions for your experience, and how to integrate your new insights.

  • The 'Mind Body Classes' course is a growing library of webinars on wellness topics like stress management, emotional regulation and mindfulness.

  • The 'Meditation and Breathwork' course is a series of guided meditation and breathwork sessions for you to follow along with and use as part of a regular mindfulness practice to support integration throughout your Odyssey.